Lyme and Immune Protocols for the Kinesiologist - Option 2
This course, has all the features of Option 1 but also includes 2 test vial kits - Lyme Plus, Cytokines and Immune System 1, and a biofilm test vial (102 test vials)
Notes for Lessons 1-5 (please download first)
Lesson 1: Borrelia
Lesson 2: Bartonella and Mycoplasma
Lesson 3: Rickettsia and Chlamydia
Lesson 4: Babesia Ehrlichia and Anaplasma
Why use Test Vials?
Lyme Plus test kit information
Test your learning
Lesson 5: Cytokines and the Immune Response
Cytokine and Immune System test kit information
Test your learning
Which Test Kits do I need?
Using finger modes to refine your results
Modality Mode
How to use the test vials with Modality Mode - demonstration
How to select herbs and nutrients using modality mode - demonstration
Test your learning
FREE PREVIEWList of herbs and their properties
Raise Vital Force Finger Mode
How to use the 'Raise Vital Force' mode - demonstration
Complete Finger Mode
Muscle Testing protocol for Lyme and/or coinfections - demonstration
Which Herbs to Give and When
Test Your Your Learning
More about biofilms
Using the 'Biofilm' Test Vial - demonstration
Test your learning
How to balance the frequency of the vials using other methods- demonstration
How to determine potential tissue damage - demonstration
The Rife Machine and healing Lyme
More resources for you
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